The usual trip, to a new trip.

Based on the concept of "ANOTHER LIFE", this is a completely private unmanned hotel limited to one group per day where you can experience living like a second house. From check-in to check-out, you can stay with peace of mind because it is a contactless self-service system. You can get away from the usual busy life and relax with your loved ones in Okinawa's slow time daily life.
”もうひとつの暮らし”をコンセプトに、セカンドハウスのような暮らしが体験できる1日1組限定の完全プライベート型無人ホテルです。チェックインからチェックアウトまで非接触でのセルフ式のため、安心してご滞在いただけます。いつもの慌ただしい日常から離れ、沖縄のSlow Timeな日常を大切な人たちと、ごゆっくりお寛ぎいただけます。

You can get away from the usual busy life and relax with your loved ones.
Enjoy a comfortable and tasteful space where you can truly relax in a local place that makes you feel as if you are living in Okinawa.